I've been waiting for the rain
for days and days I've waited
It suits my mood, the rainy skies
that I have longed for for so long
I want the cold I want the wind
I want the rain to thunder down
I've been waiting for the rain
come to me, to the earth, to my home
I've been waiting for the rain
and now it finally is here
In shallow drops it trickles down
not the storm that I forsaw
I love the rain even if it's small
I love the cool air that follows
I love how raindrops dress my hair
I love the smell of autumn in the air
I've been waiting for the rain
it didn't come as I had thought
I've been waiting for the rain
and it was worth the wait
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Friday, 9 October 2015
The shoes that take me anywhere
The shoes that take me along the path
The shoes go both to home and hearth
The shoes go away on adventures too
but they will always bring me back to you
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Kwasi and Marcus
(Written with "random first line generator", "He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. To his horror, he saw...")
He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. To his horror, he saw the beautiful vase his grandmother had given him for his 25th birthday laying in a hundred pieces on the floor. Stepping carefully to avoid the shards, he went into the kitchen. The chaos that met him there made him very sure of one thing: Marcus had forged a war against the fridge, which had ended in a massacre. The refrigerator door was open, with half of the foods spilt down onto the floor. The cake Kwasi had made that very morning was gone.
He closed his eyes, and sighed.
He needed to find that dumb dog. Marcus was most likely hiding somewhere in shame, but with all the broken glass, Kwasi couldn't help but be a bit worried that Marcus might have hurt himself. It didn't take him long to find his bufoon of a companion, however - a slight whimpering from his bedroom closet clued him in to Marcus's hiding place. He certainly wasn't a particularly clever dog - he always hid in the closet. And he loved Kwasi so much, he couldn't stand not greeting him by the door like he usually did, but he knew he'd done a bad thing, so he hid, but he whimpered. When Kwasi opened the door and looked at his dog, he was met with the saddest couple of brown eyes he had ever seen.
"Oh, Marcus... You're not making it easy for us, are you?"
Kwasi made sure to show him how disappointed and angry he was, hoping that Marcus might be able to keep himself in line the next time. He hadn't been alone for more than three hours, but that was enough for mischief to strike. When Kwasi had cleaned up the mess, and hoovered the entire flat twice, for fear of finding more glass shards in random places, he called his friend.
"Hey, Abby... Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, thanks. Hey listen, that cake I promised you... Oh no, I didn't forget! I made it this morning, and it looked good too, I even took a picture... But I happen to have a dumb and hungry dog... Yes, he did. He raided the entire fridge, it honestly looked like a war zone when I got home... I can bake another, of course, but I probably won't be able to get there early... Thanks for understanding! No, I don't mind, I want to get you that cake, come on... Alright great, I'll see you tonight!"
Kwasi had initially planned on doing laundry, as well as reading the next few chapters in the current murder mystery he was engrossed in, but that would have to wait. He took Marcus out for a walk, and proceeded to buy more eggs and butter, since the ones he'd had at home had fallen victims in the Great Fridge Raid. He wouldn't let Marcus stay in the kitchen, but kept the door into the living room open, so that they could see each other. Kwasi enjoyed pottering around in the kitchen, and Marcus was otherwise always allowed in there. Not today though, he was left to lie on the sofa, softly whimpering and looking rather pathetic. Kwasi reminded him that it was his own doing for ruining the vase and the food, and stealing the first cake. He thought it a rather fitting punishment, but he couldn't stay angry with his dog, and kept chatting happily to him while he worked.
While the cake stood in the oven, Kwasi got himself ready for the party. Abby had finally gotten that promotion she had so desired at the law firm where she worked, and they were celebrating it with cake and drinks for all her friends. He still wouldn't let Marcus into the kitchen when he got the cake out of the oven, and made ready to leave.
"Now, I'm going to be gone for another couple of hours, okay, and when I get home I don't want to find another mess... You be a good boy tonight, alright, Marcus?"
The party was very successful, the cake much appreciated by everyone, and Abby all smiles and pride. Kwasi felt quite pleased with himself and the cake, when he came home, a little over two hours later. He turned the key in the lock, and this time he heard the distinct sound of paws thundering toward the door. When he stepped inside, he was met with a happy, jumping dog, who seemed determined to lick him in the face. Kwasi laughed and managed to calm Marcus down. The dog was clearly proud of this time having no reason to hide from shame, he had behaved just as he ought. Besides, there were no more cake for him to eat, or so he thought. But a little whiles later found Marcus and Kwasi curled up on the sofa, and Kwasi produced a last piece of cake that had been left over from the party. He put it down in a bowl in front of Marcus, who took a huge bite, before remembering himself. He looked up at Kwasi with big, pleading eyes, as if to ask if this piece of cake really was for him.
"Yeah buddy, that's your cake." He knew it wasn't very smart, but Kwasi couldn't help himself. He just loved that dumb dog.
He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. To his horror, he saw the beautiful vase his grandmother had given him for his 25th birthday laying in a hundred pieces on the floor. Stepping carefully to avoid the shards, he went into the kitchen. The chaos that met him there made him very sure of one thing: Marcus had forged a war against the fridge, which had ended in a massacre. The refrigerator door was open, with half of the foods spilt down onto the floor. The cake Kwasi had made that very morning was gone.
He closed his eyes, and sighed.
He needed to find that dumb dog. Marcus was most likely hiding somewhere in shame, but with all the broken glass, Kwasi couldn't help but be a bit worried that Marcus might have hurt himself. It didn't take him long to find his bufoon of a companion, however - a slight whimpering from his bedroom closet clued him in to Marcus's hiding place. He certainly wasn't a particularly clever dog - he always hid in the closet. And he loved Kwasi so much, he couldn't stand not greeting him by the door like he usually did, but he knew he'd done a bad thing, so he hid, but he whimpered. When Kwasi opened the door and looked at his dog, he was met with the saddest couple of brown eyes he had ever seen.
"Oh, Marcus... You're not making it easy for us, are you?"
Kwasi made sure to show him how disappointed and angry he was, hoping that Marcus might be able to keep himself in line the next time. He hadn't been alone for more than three hours, but that was enough for mischief to strike. When Kwasi had cleaned up the mess, and hoovered the entire flat twice, for fear of finding more glass shards in random places, he called his friend.
"Hey, Abby... Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, thanks. Hey listen, that cake I promised you... Oh no, I didn't forget! I made it this morning, and it looked good too, I even took a picture... But I happen to have a dumb and hungry dog... Yes, he did. He raided the entire fridge, it honestly looked like a war zone when I got home... I can bake another, of course, but I probably won't be able to get there early... Thanks for understanding! No, I don't mind, I want to get you that cake, come on... Alright great, I'll see you tonight!"
Kwasi had initially planned on doing laundry, as well as reading the next few chapters in the current murder mystery he was engrossed in, but that would have to wait. He took Marcus out for a walk, and proceeded to buy more eggs and butter, since the ones he'd had at home had fallen victims in the Great Fridge Raid. He wouldn't let Marcus stay in the kitchen, but kept the door into the living room open, so that they could see each other. Kwasi enjoyed pottering around in the kitchen, and Marcus was otherwise always allowed in there. Not today though, he was left to lie on the sofa, softly whimpering and looking rather pathetic. Kwasi reminded him that it was his own doing for ruining the vase and the food, and stealing the first cake. He thought it a rather fitting punishment, but he couldn't stay angry with his dog, and kept chatting happily to him while he worked.
While the cake stood in the oven, Kwasi got himself ready for the party. Abby had finally gotten that promotion she had so desired at the law firm where she worked, and they were celebrating it with cake and drinks for all her friends. He still wouldn't let Marcus into the kitchen when he got the cake out of the oven, and made ready to leave.
"Now, I'm going to be gone for another couple of hours, okay, and when I get home I don't want to find another mess... You be a good boy tonight, alright, Marcus?"
The party was very successful, the cake much appreciated by everyone, and Abby all smiles and pride. Kwasi felt quite pleased with himself and the cake, when he came home, a little over two hours later. He turned the key in the lock, and this time he heard the distinct sound of paws thundering toward the door. When he stepped inside, he was met with a happy, jumping dog, who seemed determined to lick him in the face. Kwasi laughed and managed to calm Marcus down. The dog was clearly proud of this time having no reason to hide from shame, he had behaved just as he ought. Besides, there were no more cake for him to eat, or so he thought. But a little whiles later found Marcus and Kwasi curled up on the sofa, and Kwasi produced a last piece of cake that had been left over from the party. He put it down in a bowl in front of Marcus, who took a huge bite, before remembering himself. He looked up at Kwasi with big, pleading eyes, as if to ask if this piece of cake really was for him.
"Yeah buddy, that's your cake." He knew it wasn't very smart, but Kwasi couldn't help himself. He just loved that dumb dog.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Aiko's town
(Written after the "random first line generator"; "the house wasn't the same to her any more")
The house wasn't the same to her any more. This place, that used to be so dark and gloomy, was now full of light, of laughter and love. Had anyone told her a year ago that she would start to feel this way, surly she wouldn't have believed them.
A year ago, Aiko had moved to this tiny, dull town, to get away from the stressful life she had led in London. It certainly wasn't her idea - she loved the buzz of the city, her challenging job, and her exciting social life. But after the accident her doctor made her see a psychiatrist, and here she was. It hadn't taken the shrink many sessions with her to diagnose her as completely stressed out, too frazzled and depressed to find any real joy in life. Aiko gave him a rather colourful response to that. To think she paid him 200 pounds! She would have been happy to leave and resume her life as though nothing had disrupted it, but her boss wouldn't let her quit the shrink. She then made the mistake of telling her mother about his absurd idea for her to move to the country... Aiko had been kicking herself for months over that. Of course her mother would find it a splendid idea, and take it upon herself to find her daughter a nice place far out of town.
At least she had been allowed to work. Aiko would have gone out of her mind if she was to sit at home every day, and her doctor and psychiatrist both agreed that some work might be good for her. Not a full 100% of course, and nothing too straining. Aiko took a job as a half-time sales assistant in the local textile shop, and thus her life of serving dull, old ladies began.
The little town had at first seemed as taken from one of her nightmares. People were uncultivated and traditional, their fondest conversation topic was the weather, and there was no night life. The town had one pub. It closed at eight.
It wasn't until she met Mrs Dower, two and a half months after she moved there, that things started to change. Mrs Dower was a social butterfly of an old lady, 71 years old but still full of joy and energy. She came into the shop one day and made Aiko's acquaintance, and slowly but surly turned her life around. She introduced her to the popular chess club, where she met Patrick and Theyla. She took her to the pub's open mic night for the monthly Poetry Slam, and Aiko found a new friend in the shy but very talented Jaime. Mrs Dower took her out for coffee at the town's only café, and Aiko soon found herself engrossed in a conversation about baking with the café owner, Rita Stalski. To her great surprise, she started to view Tuesdays not as the week's first Try Not To Scream At The Bloody Ladies Who Cannot Decide Which Pattern They Need For Their Unnecessary Redecorating Because They Are Old And Might Die From A Heart Attack Day, but as Chess Club Day at the Inn. Wednesdays became Weekly Walks With Mrs Dower Day, Thursdays Pub Quiz Night, and once every months, Saturdays turned from Fuckity Poop, Tickets To London Are Expensive! to Open Mic Poetry Slam.
Her third PS (because that was what the locals, and she too, called the poetry nights) was the one when she met Camden, and in turn, his fiancé James. Camden was big, safe, and welcoming, and the absolute worst poetry writer the town had ever had. He proudly grasped the microphone as the fourth person that evening, and went on to read a poem about crows and pies, so bad that Aiko didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She later found out that he had lost a bet to James, who laughed hysterically when Camden's reading was done. Aiko made herself known to the couple simply by being the only one who to applaud, out of pity more than anything else. Camden has been calling her his "Biggest Fan" ever since, and has even promised her a personal poem for her birthday.
No, a year ago Aiko wouldn't have had any hopes of ever being happy in this tiny town... And yet, thinking back of all she had done since coming here, and looking at the scene in front of her now, that's what she was. In front of her, gathered in her great living room, were her friends. Camden and Jaime was teaching Patrick's kids how to play Backgammon. Mrs Dower currently seemed to be winning over James in a game of chess, Theyla and her new boyfriend Derek argued over the amount of sugar needed in the perfect cup of tea. Rita just came in from the kitchen, carrying a large tray of scones and home made jam. Aiko smiled. These were the people who had helped her fit in, and calm down, the people who made her love this town and her place in it. They helped her forget about the accident and the bitterness still connected to losing her left arm, they made her feel sufficient even without it. And she inspired them too; Board Game Night was her idea, and there was even talk of letting the pub stay open until nine next Friday!
Aiko felt a small hand curl into hers, and looked down to see Rebekah, Patrickäs youngest, smiling shyly up at her.
"Will you sit next to me and Daddy when we have scones? I want you to help me butter! Please."
Aiko exchanged a look with Patrick, and gave Rebekah's hand a nudge.
"Of course, sweetheart, let's get everyone seated!" she agreed with a smile.
The house wasn't the same to her any more. This place, that used to be so dark and gloomy, was now full of light, of laughter and love. Had anyone told her a year ago that she would start to feel this way, surly she wouldn't have believed them.
A year ago, Aiko had moved to this tiny, dull town, to get away from the stressful life she had led in London. It certainly wasn't her idea - she loved the buzz of the city, her challenging job, and her exciting social life. But after the accident her doctor made her see a psychiatrist, and here she was. It hadn't taken the shrink many sessions with her to diagnose her as completely stressed out, too frazzled and depressed to find any real joy in life. Aiko gave him a rather colourful response to that. To think she paid him 200 pounds! She would have been happy to leave and resume her life as though nothing had disrupted it, but her boss wouldn't let her quit the shrink. She then made the mistake of telling her mother about his absurd idea for her to move to the country... Aiko had been kicking herself for months over that. Of course her mother would find it a splendid idea, and take it upon herself to find her daughter a nice place far out of town.
At least she had been allowed to work. Aiko would have gone out of her mind if she was to sit at home every day, and her doctor and psychiatrist both agreed that some work might be good for her. Not a full 100% of course, and nothing too straining. Aiko took a job as a half-time sales assistant in the local textile shop, and thus her life of serving dull, old ladies began.
The little town had at first seemed as taken from one of her nightmares. People were uncultivated and traditional, their fondest conversation topic was the weather, and there was no night life. The town had one pub. It closed at eight.
It wasn't until she met Mrs Dower, two and a half months after she moved there, that things started to change. Mrs Dower was a social butterfly of an old lady, 71 years old but still full of joy and energy. She came into the shop one day and made Aiko's acquaintance, and slowly but surly turned her life around. She introduced her to the popular chess club, where she met Patrick and Theyla. She took her to the pub's open mic night for the monthly Poetry Slam, and Aiko found a new friend in the shy but very talented Jaime. Mrs Dower took her out for coffee at the town's only café, and Aiko soon found herself engrossed in a conversation about baking with the café owner, Rita Stalski. To her great surprise, she started to view Tuesdays not as the week's first Try Not To Scream At The Bloody Ladies Who Cannot Decide Which Pattern They Need For Their Unnecessary Redecorating Because They Are Old And Might Die From A Heart Attack Day, but as Chess Club Day at the Inn. Wednesdays became Weekly Walks With Mrs Dower Day, Thursdays Pub Quiz Night, and once every months, Saturdays turned from Fuckity Poop, Tickets To London Are Expensive! to Open Mic Poetry Slam.
Her third PS (because that was what the locals, and she too, called the poetry nights) was the one when she met Camden, and in turn, his fiancé James. Camden was big, safe, and welcoming, and the absolute worst poetry writer the town had ever had. He proudly grasped the microphone as the fourth person that evening, and went on to read a poem about crows and pies, so bad that Aiko didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She later found out that he had lost a bet to James, who laughed hysterically when Camden's reading was done. Aiko made herself known to the couple simply by being the only one who to applaud, out of pity more than anything else. Camden has been calling her his "Biggest Fan" ever since, and has even promised her a personal poem for her birthday.
No, a year ago Aiko wouldn't have had any hopes of ever being happy in this tiny town... And yet, thinking back of all she had done since coming here, and looking at the scene in front of her now, that's what she was. In front of her, gathered in her great living room, were her friends. Camden and Jaime was teaching Patrick's kids how to play Backgammon. Mrs Dower currently seemed to be winning over James in a game of chess, Theyla and her new boyfriend Derek argued over the amount of sugar needed in the perfect cup of tea. Rita just came in from the kitchen, carrying a large tray of scones and home made jam. Aiko smiled. These were the people who had helped her fit in, and calm down, the people who made her love this town and her place in it. They helped her forget about the accident and the bitterness still connected to losing her left arm, they made her feel sufficient even without it. And she inspired them too; Board Game Night was her idea, and there was even talk of letting the pub stay open until nine next Friday!
Aiko felt a small hand curl into hers, and looked down to see Rebekah, Patrickäs youngest, smiling shyly up at her.
"Will you sit next to me and Daddy when we have scones? I want you to help me butter! Please."
Aiko exchanged a look with Patrick, and gave Rebekah's hand a nudge.
"Of course, sweetheart, let's get everyone seated!" she agreed with a smile.
Saturday, 19 September 2015
A Land under the Glittering Sea
A land under the glittering sea
oh, there is where I'd like to be
Floating at a slower pace
with cool, dark waters caressing my face
Don't follow me there, I beg,
I want to escape your sound
No talking, no more fuss, let me leave
You won't find me there,
in the Land under the Sea
Friday, 11 September 2015
Maybe every day
Maybe every day changes us,
moulds us so thoroughly,
in preparation for what comes next,
After this life.
I guess I will know in time.
I believe though, that every day
Should still be enjoyed,
Still seen as an opportunity,
a Chance to thoroughly live This life.
moulds us so thoroughly,
in preparation for what comes next,
After this life.
I guess I will know in time.
I believe though, that every day
Should still be enjoyed,
Still seen as an opportunity,
a Chance to thoroughly live This life.
I know in theory how it works
We die and are gone
The memory lives only a short while
You can raise my grave stone,
but it will crumble with time
You can read my writings,
but they will get lost with time
You can save me,
but never forever
Oblivion is inevitable
I want to be remembered
I wish to leave a mark
Oblivion is escapable
The energy of my life
will flow through this earth
The earth I walked upon
My energy will give new life
and continue for aeons
And so, I shall live forever,
escaping oblivion
We die and are gone
The memory lives only a short while
You can raise my grave stone,
but it will crumble with time
You can read my writings,
but they will get lost with time
You can save me,
but never forever
Oblivion is inevitable
I want to be remembered
I wish to leave a mark
Oblivion is escapable
The energy of my life
will flow through this earth
The earth I walked upon
My energy will give new life
and continue for aeons
And so, I shall live forever,
escaping oblivion
The Shabti
I am a Shabti,
handmade by me,
commissioned by others.
I formed this shell
from their expectations,
their opinions thrust upon me.
I lost my voice, my flesh, my blood,
wandering aimlessly within myself.
Myself? No,
this mud shell is but a prison.
I am no Shabti,
not made from weakened clay,
I shall recall myself,
emerge from the Duat.
I am stronger, braver, bigger,
crushing this Shabti,
this image caging me in.
I adhere no expectations,
but only my own anew.
Finding my voice, my Ba and Rem,
new courage to break this shell.
handmade by me,
commissioned by others.
I formed this shell
from their expectations,
their opinions thrust upon me.
I lost my voice, my flesh, my blood,
wandering aimlessly within myself.
Myself? No,
this mud shell is but a prison.
I am no Shabti,
not made from weakened clay,
I shall recall myself,
emerge from the Duat.
I am stronger, braver, bigger,
crushing this Shabti,
this image caging me in.
I adhere no expectations,
but only my own anew.
Finding my voice, my Ba and Rem,
new courage to break this shell.
The Angry Elf
Fluttering wings in the soft summer air
Swirling dress in white
Glaring eyes, knotted hands
Annoying little creature flying around
Ignorant people never see
the tiny ones right in front of them
His eyes shooting daggers,
his sharp teeth sinking into human flesh
"Ugh", they complain,
"Another mosquito."
Unfinished poem
For the first time in so long
I breathe freely now
The sweet release of letting go
moving forward without regret
I breathe freely now
The sweet release of letting go
moving forward without regret
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Saturday, 11 July 2015
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Thursday, 26 March 2015
A nothing-day,
they called it at home,
so plain, mundane,
nothing to remember.
But alone in the car
it was not nothing
- it rather meant a lot.
Raindrops slashed down
exploding onto the window
like bombs in a war.
If this was a war,
it was their own,
and peace treaties had been signed.
The shaking of the hands
did not go as well,
agreement though there was.
It took too long
and meant too much,
palms sweaty but soft.
They both looked out the window
on the scenery beyond.
Beautiful as it was,
it did nothing to compare.
They turned the radio on
and one of them made a joke.
Laughter awkwardly ended
when self conciousness came back.
It was the first nothing-day
when everything happened.
they called it at home,
so plain, mundane,
nothing to remember.
But alone in the car
it was not nothing
- it rather meant a lot.
Raindrops slashed down
exploding onto the window
like bombs in a war.
If this was a war,
it was their own,
and peace treaties had been signed.
The shaking of the hands
did not go as well,
agreement though there was.
It took too long
and meant too much,
palms sweaty but soft.
They both looked out the window
on the scenery beyond.
Beautiful as it was,
it did nothing to compare.
They turned the radio on
and one of them made a joke.
Laughter awkwardly ended
when self conciousness came back.
It was the first nothing-day
when everything happened.
The sky was reflected in the still water,
like a mirror it showed what was far above.
Clouds tumbled in the lake,
soft looking and white. Pretty clouds.
He thought of her face, those sparkling eyes.
The past is always filled with clouds.
If the picture mirrored in the lake was now,
the sky was the past,
those moments with her.
Whenever they were together,
every colour in the world
turned its most vibrant shade.
So pretty. So alive.
Her eyes used to sparkle from all she would dream.
He turned from the lake,
saw her face.
Her eyes burned with all the things she had seen,
and he could not tear himself away.
Dared not.
A leaf came tumbling across the air,
cutting a line between them
like leaves sometimes do.
He followed its way down to the water,
saw it land simply, already afloat.
He sent a smile her way, as though it was before,
and it grew wider,
as she smiled back.
like a mirror it showed what was far above.
Clouds tumbled in the lake,
soft looking and white. Pretty clouds.
He thought of her face, those sparkling eyes.
The past is always filled with clouds.
If the picture mirrored in the lake was now,
the sky was the past,
those moments with her.
Whenever they were together,
every colour in the world
turned its most vibrant shade.
So pretty. So alive.
Her eyes used to sparkle from all she would dream.
He turned from the lake,
saw her face.
Her eyes burned with all the things she had seen,
and he could not tear himself away.
Dared not.
A leaf came tumbling across the air,
cutting a line between them
like leaves sometimes do.
He followed its way down to the water,
saw it land simply, already afloat.
He sent a smile her way, as though it was before,
and it grew wider,
as she smiled back.
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
...the stories on your skin...
You do not die as you were born
not when you live in between
You collect memories, experiences
that leave traces on your skin
The scar you got as a child
The ghosts of your lover's touch
The ink that means so much
Important pieces of your life
written on your body
You are so beautiful
with all those stories
Your skin the pages of a journal
that tells the story of your life
Like the man with a worn heart
your lived-in skin
the scars and the stories
make you special
I could spend forever
reading the stories on your skin
the writer loves the written word
he knows its power
the writer's head is full of words
a chaos in his mind
the writer lives so many lives
all versions of his own
he has to write
get it out of his head
put it down on paper
the writer always writes
even when it doesn't make sense
the writer writes
that is the way
the writer lives his life
he knows its power
the writer's head is full of words
a chaos in his mind
the writer lives so many lives
all versions of his own
he has to write
get it out of his head
put it down on paper
the writer always writes
even when it doesn't make sense
the writer writes
that is the way
the writer lives his life
Monday, 16 February 2015
Small fish
Like a small fish I want to be swimming in the Sea
void of emotions such as greed
I wish to explore the deep oceans
being part of a greater shoal
A small fish worries not over love and dreams and money
he swims only in the blue
eat or be eaten
nibble on seaweed
away from the shark
A small fish want I to be
void of emotions such as greed
I wish to explore the deep oceans
being part of a greater shoal
A small fish worries not over love and dreams and money
he swims only in the blue
eat or be eaten
nibble on seaweed
away from the shark
A small fish want I to be
Love Me Again
Love me again
Love me better, love me more
Help me this time
Love me again
It's your choice, of course,
but darling I beg you
Love me more
Darling I beg you
Love me again
Love me better, love me more
Help me this time
Love me again
It's your choice, of course,
but darling I beg you
Love me more
Darling I beg you
Love me again
Lover's Road
I will walk the Lover's Road
and I shall spread my joy
I will keep my sadness hidden
but smile the brightest smile
You are walking on the Earth
while I am suffocating under the Sea
But I won't turn from the Lover's Road
that would simply not be me
and I shall spread my joy
I will keep my sadness hidden
but smile the brightest smile
You are walking on the Earth
while I am suffocating under the Sea
But I won't turn from the Lover's Road
that would simply not be me
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Saturday, 14 February 2015
The sun will rise
I know that the sun will rise
after this darkness had gone to rest
I know that the light will shine
and make us laugh and smile again
I know that there's so much joy
still to be felt
And I know that I will be
right here when that happens
Thursday, 12 February 2015
it's sad to be this insecure
It's just so sad
how compliments
and kind words
go straight through me
I never listen
or stop to think
to believe they
are honestly said
Hear no kind words
when they are aimed
for me
It's sad really
how blind I can be
how ignorant
and how easy
it comes for me
to turn a deaf ear
whenever someone says
something nice
about me
Why can't I trust and believe nice words?
How can it still hurt this much?
I am happy,
I do joyful things,
I fill my days with friends.
So how can it still hurt this much?
Consuming my air,
a constant ache in my chest.
The neverending breaking inside
whenever I hear his voice.
Ho do I make it stop?
Oh time, move faster, and heal me.
I am happy,
I do joyful things,
I fill my days with friends.
So how can it still hurt this much?
Consuming my air,
a constant ache in my chest.
The neverending breaking inside
whenever I hear his voice.
Ho do I make it stop?
Oh time, move faster, and heal me.
And I thought
I thought it was a smile for me
that every time you shone,
met my eyes, you were as happy as I.
I thought we shared that secret
just how much we meant
to each other, together.
I really believed you smiled
a special smile for me.
I see the same smile now,
the corners of your eyes wrinkled,
the same tug of your lip.
I see the same smile,
and blame no one but myself.
Such a fool,
to think,
and I really thought it was a smile
only for me.
that every time you shone,
met my eyes, you were as happy as I.
I thought we shared that secret
just how much we meant
to each other, together.
I really believed you smiled
a special smile for me.
I see the same smile now,
the corners of your eyes wrinkled,
the same tug of your lip.
I see the same smile,
and blame no one but myself.
Such a fool,
to think,
and I really thought it was a smile
only for me.
It is not Submission
It is not submission
when one hangs one's head
It is to breathe
only with oneself
It is to find that inner power
to await the right moment
It is to fill oneself up
with energy and belief
It is not submission
when one hangs one's head
Because after one will raise it
and one will straighten up
Because after one will look up
with eyes filled with confidence
Because after one will be
so ready to fight for oneself
It is never submission
It is the calm before the storm
where one breaks free
when one hangs one's head
It is to breathe
only with oneself
It is to find that inner power
to await the right moment
It is to fill oneself up
with energy and belief
It is not submission
when one hangs one's head
Because after one will raise it
and one will straighten up
Because after one will look up
with eyes filled with confidence
Because after one will be
so ready to fight for oneself
It is never submission
It is the calm before the storm
where one breaks free
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
The Red Ladder
Sunday, 8 February 2015
There is no running from it
there can be no escape
The words you sweetly whispered
haunts them, asleep and awake
I fear this time
you went too far
no salvation for the one you were
can only move forward as the one you are
A wicked grin distorts your face
it pains me to remember
you have grown hateful and cruel
cursing these people
How can you not see
the curse falls worst upon you
there can be no escape
The words you sweetly whispered
haunts them, asleep and awake
I fear this time
you went too far
no salvation for the one you were
can only move forward as the one you are
A wicked grin distorts your face
it pains me to remember
you have grown hateful and cruel
cursing these people
How can you not see
the curse falls worst upon you
Hurt Me Again (a fair warning)
Hurt me again,
and I will shatter you
Trust these words,
gentle lover.
Hurt me again,
and I swear
- I will break you
beyond repair.
and I will shatter you
Trust these words,
gentle lover.
Hurt me again,
and I swear
- I will break you
beyond repair.
Friday, 6 February 2015
for you
What is there for me to do?
Wish for nothing more than to help you.
Never quite right, I know,
you never thought it so.
I go out of my way
in the things I do, not the things I say.
Want for nothing more than you
to be that what you feel is true.
I save all of my tears.
I won't give in to fears.
Happy to hide away,
just so that you can't say
'It is my fault'
'it was my fault'
'My wrongdoings'
'my wrong thoughts'
'I hurt you more'
Whatever for?
So I'll go out of my way
for you to feel like you can stay.
Wish for nothing more than to help you.
Never quite right, I know,
you never thought it so.
I go out of my way
in the things I do, not the things I say.
Want for nothing more than you
to be that what you feel is true.
I save all of my tears.
I won't give in to fears.
Happy to hide away,
just so that you can't say
'It is my fault'
'it was my fault'
'My wrongdoings'
'my wrong thoughts'
'I hurt you more'
Whatever for?
So I'll go out of my way
for you to feel like you can stay.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Broken and Bruised
No matter how I scream
he'll never hear my voice
Gods let me scream freely
otherwise I'm breaking again
I wear my heart on my sleeve
I am an open book
right there for everyone to see
It is no surprise how easily
he could hold my heart
Too hard and too tight
bits and pieces falling away
Leaving but a bruised, tired muscle
They say that time changes
I wish for no change in him
but a stronger will for me
he'll never hear my voice
Gods let me scream freely
otherwise I'm breaking again
I wear my heart on my sleeve
I am an open book
right there for everyone to see
It is no surprise how easily
he could hold my heart
Too hard and too tight
bits and pieces falling away
Leaving but a bruised, tired muscle
They say that time changes
I wish for no change in him
but a stronger will for me
The Wicked's lives are lonely
But is Wicked what I am?
No good deed goes unpunished...
Please help him understand!
But is Wicked what I am?
No good deed goes unpunished...
Please help him understand!
No one mourns the Wicked
and Wicked is what I am
I leave my friends to rot
as I flee this land
There'll be no rest for the Wicked
and Wicked is what I am
Poisonous is my honour
you all knew it when I ran
Good men scorn the Wicked
and Wicked is what I am
Men would scorn me anyway
for being 'nothing but' a woman
The Wicked's lives are lonely
and Wicked is what I am
The friends I make I cast aside
cannot handle the thought of a plan
The Wicked die alone
and Wicked is what I am
And I will never reach
for someone else's hand
and Wicked is what I am
I leave my friends to rot
as I flee this land
There'll be no rest for the Wicked
and Wicked is what I am
Poisonous is my honour
you all knew it when I ran
Good men scorn the Wicked
and Wicked is what I am
Men would scorn me anyway
for being 'nothing but' a woman
The Wicked's lives are lonely
and Wicked is what I am
The friends I make I cast aside
cannot handle the thought of a plan
The Wicked die alone
and Wicked is what I am
And I will never reach
for someone else's hand
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
The Prayer
Oh Goddess,
let your moon heal my scars.
My heart is bruised and shattered,
and dirty are my paws.
Lifetimes I have walked,
never turning to dust.
Renew my old soul,
and I shall forever in you trust.
To live truly happy
give my love that chance,
without fear or judgement,
and I shall thank you in dance.
Oh Goddess,
water my dry skin.
Your kindness will never be forgotten
in me or my kin.
let your moon heal my scars.
My heart is bruised and shattered,
and dirty are my paws.
Lifetimes I have walked,
never turning to dust.
Renew my old soul,
and I shall forever in you trust.
To live truly happy
give my love that chance,
without fear or judgement,
and I shall thank you in dance.
Oh Goddess,
water my dry skin.
Your kindness will never be forgotten
in me or my kin.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Am I bumming you out yet?
Resources are scarce!
Seldom we see food here!
Thou, who sit in thy castles and thy fortresses of rock
might have things aplenty
and yet thou art not joyful.
We would ask for nothing more
but a blanket to sleep under,
and some bread to quench our hunger.
Thou dost not understand the burden of being poor,
as we do not understand thy burden of being miserable.
It would seem not wealth nor tragedy
can save man from his gruesome destiny.
Seldom we see food here!
Thou, who sit in thy castles and thy fortresses of rock
might have things aplenty
and yet thou art not joyful.
We would ask for nothing more
but a blanket to sleep under,
and some bread to quench our hunger.
Thou dost not understand the burden of being poor,
as we do not understand thy burden of being miserable.
It would seem not wealth nor tragedy
can save man from his gruesome destiny.
There is a distinct lack of joy
in everything I do,
but no matter how much I wish it,
I cannot put the blame on you.
I was wrong to hope, to trust, and to believe
and nothing but tragedy have I thus received.
Friday, 30 January 2015
a four sentenced story
I said I loved him.
I said 'Goodbye'.
I kissed him...
And then I left.
I said 'Goodbye'.
I kissed him...
And then I left.
Willow Rosenberg
I could have handled it
I would have been fine
I'm not your responsibility
to save
don't need saving
I need to make my choices
just like you
I could have handled it
I know me
I would have been fine
but you never gave me the chance
I would have been fine
I'm not your responsibility
to save
don't need saving
I need to make my choices
just like you
I could have handled it
I know me
I would have been fine
but you never gave me the chance
"See, I don't get that, all this 'leaving for her own good' garbage. Because that's what it is!
You can't just give up because there's obstacles."
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 'Pangs'
I hate how much it hurts
this pain I have inside
I wish I could move on
but my heart does not abide
Silly as they seem
my feelings, they were true
And now I'm left alone
alone to lament you
Yet I still prefer these feelings
heart wrenching as they are
I know I'm alive
And despite everything
I love being alive
So I will celebrate these feelings
the proof of my humanity
the proof of my love
heart wrenching as they are
I know I'm alive
And despite everything
I love being alive
So I will celebrate these feelings
the proof of my humanity
the proof of my love
Now I See the Signs, too
All the small signs
shining obnoxiously in loud neon
- only to you
I was left in the dark
seeing no signs
I liked the dark
They say ignorance is bliss
and to me it was
The harsh light of day
those fucking signs
blinding me with ugly neon
I don't know
if I wish
that I'd seen them sooner
Kinda do, kinda don't
If I had
seen those signs
I wouldn't know you
quite like I now do
They say to smile even if it ends
but I will cry myself to sleep
shining obnoxiously in loud neon
- only to you
I was left in the dark
seeing no signs
I liked the dark
They say ignorance is bliss
and to me it was
The harsh light of day
those fucking signs
blinding me with ugly neon
I don't know
if I wish
that I'd seen them sooner
Kinda do, kinda don't
If I had
seen those signs
I wouldn't know you
quite like I now do
They say to smile even if it ends
but I will cry myself to sleep
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Rebekah Mikaelson
Laugh at the girl
who loved too easily
She who gave her heart
to anyone
Anyone who showed her
the tiniest bit of affection
She would feel that affection
And thus she was lost,
swept away by a smile
Call her weak and foolish
clearly scared of being alone
Show no humanity
as you laugh at her pain
Ask if her heart
is worth having
when so easily obtained
Watch her slowly break
and crumble
As she fails to hide
behind that smile
who loved too easily
She who gave her heart
to anyone
Anyone who showed her
the tiniest bit of affection
She would feel that affection
And thus she was lost,
swept away by a smile
Call her weak and foolish
clearly scared of being alone
Show no humanity
as you laugh at her pain
Ask if her heart
is worth having
when so easily obtained
Watch her slowly break
and crumble
As she fails to hide
behind that smile
It scares me
more than anything
The way you make me feel
How could I give you that much power?
more than anything
The way you make me feel
How could I give you that much power?
The Way I Fall
I hate the way I fall
Suddenly, out of control
Air pushed from my lungs
Tears streaming from my eyes
Terrified in anticipation
"When will I hit the ground?"
"How much will it hurt?"
"How long will it take
this time
to patch myself back together?"
Oh how I hate to fall
always uncertain
always frightened
always left alone
burning on the ground
Suddenly, out of control
Air pushed from my lungs
Tears streaming from my eyes
Terrified in anticipation
"When will I hit the ground?"
"How much will it hurt?"
"How long will it take
this time
to patch myself back together?"
Oh how I hate to fall
always uncertain
always frightened
always left alone
burning on the ground
I guess this is Goodbye
"So, I guess this is Goodbye"
Feet scraping the pavement, where fallen leaves laid left to rot.
"I guess"
She looked up at him, her eyes widening, heart pumping. She had known it for a while, yet it shocked her. He didn't face her, couldn't face her. He knew the confusion and the pain that was written on her face, for it was also inked over his own heart. He started, but fell silent. He tried again.
"I mean... This is what it's come to, right?" He still wouldn't look at her.
"I suppose so." In his ears her voice was clear and sharp. She felt as though it was nothing but a whisper.
They stood another minute, neither one of them wanting to go. But they could not stay forever, and they soon parted, walking off alone.

Feet scraping the pavement, where fallen leaves laid left to rot.
"I guess"
She looked up at him, her eyes widening, heart pumping. She had known it for a while, yet it shocked her. He didn't face her, couldn't face her. He knew the confusion and the pain that was written on her face, for it was also inked over his own heart. He started, but fell silent. He tried again.
"I mean... This is what it's come to, right?" He still wouldn't look at her.
"I suppose so." In his ears her voice was clear and sharp. She felt as though it was nothing but a whisper.
They stood another minute, neither one of them wanting to go. But they could not stay forever, and they soon parted, walking off alone.

And I'll be okay
Don't you worry about me
don't you ever dare worry
I can handle myself
and all the feelings that I have
Don't try to protect me
with gentle, ill advised lies
Don't spare me the pain
it is rightfully my burden
Don't try to save me
from a monster only I can see
Don't you worry about me
don't you ever dare worry
I can handle myself
and I'll be okay
don't you ever dare worry
I can handle myself
and all the feelings that I have
Don't try to protect me
with gentle, ill advised lies
Don't spare me the pain
it is rightfully my burden
Don't try to save me
from a monster only I can see
Don't you worry about me
don't you ever dare worry
I can handle myself
and I'll be okay
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Friday, 23 January 2015
the losing of a child
the only thing that held them together, the only bond left, got so weak it snapped, their future blaring with its non-telling black.
as the darkness got closer, she reached for his hand, only to realise she was alone. the only one to fall over the black edge, his silent tears heard from above, her last look showed a glimpse of his smile.
she fell for an eternity, and then another. she forgot her name, her life, her soul, became only a piece of dust, falling, falling, until finally she stopped spinning, and landed on her feet.
he did not fall. he kept going, but walking alone, he dared not take her hand, saw the wild hurricane brewing inside, knowing it was a storm for her alone.
so he stayed on the edge, never crossing it, but close enough to look down. he heard no scream nor other sounds, except those of his own everlasting tears.
when she started to walk again, she was herself anew. her vision clear, her smile bright, her head held high. she walked with ease though remembered clearly, her eternities filled with darkness.
his shoulders slumped always now, his eyes no longer lit alight. he saw her first and straightened fast, his heart the unfamiliar song of hope sang. her smile was friendly and polite, eyebrows rose in question.
his heart stopped singing, as he realised, she recognised him not at all. he sighed and waved then turned away, continuing his walk alone.
as the darkness got closer, she reached for his hand, only to realise she was alone. the only one to fall over the black edge, his silent tears heard from above, her last look showed a glimpse of his smile.
she fell for an eternity, and then another. she forgot her name, her life, her soul, became only a piece of dust, falling, falling, until finally she stopped spinning, and landed on her feet.
he did not fall. he kept going, but walking alone, he dared not take her hand, saw the wild hurricane brewing inside, knowing it was a storm for her alone.
so he stayed on the edge, never crossing it, but close enough to look down. he heard no scream nor other sounds, except those of his own everlasting tears.
when she started to walk again, she was herself anew. her vision clear, her smile bright, her head held high. she walked with ease though remembered clearly, her eternities filled with darkness.
his shoulders slumped always now, his eyes no longer lit alight. he saw her first and straightened fast, his heart the unfamiliar song of hope sang. her smile was friendly and polite, eyebrows rose in question.
his heart stopped singing, as he realised, she recognised him not at all. he sighed and waved then turned away, continuing his walk alone.
Passionate love
More than I can tell
More than I can show
an unguarded secret
I say no words
but they all see it in my eyes
Burning ever brighter
I am no air
it cannot consume me
only spread to others
You smile knowingly
I spark
because you
More than I can show
an unguarded secret
I say no words
but they all see it in my eyes
Burning ever brighter
I am no air
it cannot consume me
only spread to others
You smile knowingly
I spark
because you
That pain
That pain
sudden, unexpected
I shouldn't be surprised
used to it by now
The scars on my skin
red and bloody
hurt less than your words
incomparable pain
I thought
too little, too much
Not realistically enough
lost myself in fantasies
with a dream of you
needed you for me
to grow my smile
felt safe
felt happy
That pain, your words
Now silence
sudden, unexpected
I shouldn't be surprised
used to it by now
The scars on my skin
red and bloody
hurt less than your words
incomparable pain
I thought
too little, too much
Not realistically enough
lost myself in fantasies
with a dream of you
needed you for me
to grow my smile
felt safe
felt happy
That pain, your words
Now silence
I was made
I was made
to fly amongst the clouds
Filled as they are with rain
so am I filled with sorrow
Only sorrow burdens,
and I was made heavy
A heaviness great shedding
of tears could not lessen
I was made, now chained
to the rock, to the earth
Gazing upwards, dreaming
My body small and light
I would not fly
The mind sank deeper,
heavier still
The clouds above shed their tears
and in the rain I took a breath
I started breathing,
and fell slowly in love
with my rock, with the earth
Then I lifted,
and flew away
For I was made
to fly
to fly amongst the clouds
Filled as they are with rain
so am I filled with sorrow
Only sorrow burdens,
and I was made heavy
A heaviness great shedding
of tears could not lessen
I was made, now chained
to the rock, to the earth
Gazing upwards, dreaming
My body small and light
I would not fly
The mind sank deeper,
heavier still
The clouds above shed their tears
and in the rain I took a breath
I started breathing,
and fell slowly in love
with my rock, with the earth
Then I lifted,
and flew away
For I was made
to fly
Because forever
Because forever only exists
if you stay the same
They can't promise you forever
you'll do good not to trust forever
'For you will live so many
forever upon forever upon forever
and none will last
but you
You will find yourself and
who you are
over and over and over
So trust no forever
Because forever only exists
if you stay the same
if you stay the same
They can't promise you forever
you'll do good not to trust forever
'For you will live so many
forever upon forever upon forever
and none will last
but you
You will find yourself and
who you are
over and over and over
So trust no forever
Because forever only exists
if you stay the same
Verses 1 2 3
She is unfathomable
Yet stands right in front of you
Her heart bursting with feeling
There's thunder in her eyes
Electricity flows from the touch of her lips
The storm outside is nothing
compared to her enigma
No thought escapes her
and she plays with them all
Her soul stronger by being shattered
And her storming eyes haunt you
She walks by the seaside
She dwells in the ocean
calmer after the storm
A soft wind plays with her hair
Her skin like seashells
coloured white, red, yellow
Once soft, now hardened
Her footprints never stay long in the sand
And I hide in the forest
Inside looking out
A runaway watching goddesses
I, a lonely, scared wolf
No thunder and no ocean
The raindrops sing me songs
as they land on the leaves
beneath my dirty paws
And as they face the storm
I'll keep hiding
deeper in the forest
Yet stands right in front of you
Her heart bursting with feeling
There's thunder in her eyes
Electricity flows from the touch of her lips
The storm outside is nothing
compared to her enigma
No thought escapes her
and she plays with them all
Her soul stronger by being shattered
And her storming eyes haunt you
She walks by the seaside
She dwells in the ocean
calmer after the storm
A soft wind plays with her hair
Her skin like seashells
coloured white, red, yellow
Once soft, now hardened
Her footprints never stay long in the sand
And I hide in the forest
Inside looking out
A runaway watching goddesses
I, a lonely, scared wolf
No thunder and no ocean
The raindrops sing me songs
as they land on the leaves
beneath my dirty paws
And as they face the storm
I'll keep hiding
deeper in the forest
It's like when I smile
It's like when I smile for no reason
my lips break my face
like the sun clears the sky
on a cloudy day
And I smile as my heart sings
my lips break my face
like the sun clears the sky
on a cloudy day
And I smile as my heart sings
From the Costa napkin
And I remember the way I fell
Over the edge and into Oblivion
I pictured your silly face
Laughing as I plunged to my
As I fell and faded away
Standing alone
In your empty room
Your still-beating heart bleeding through my fingers
'Cause you made me feel like
I was special above else
The way you never let me
take one step by myself
It's like I was a doll
made of glass, sat on a shelf
Over the edge and into Oblivion
I pictured your silly face
Laughing as I plunged to my
As I fell and faded away
Standing alone
In your empty room
Your still-beating heart bleeding through my fingers
'Cause you made me feel like
I was special above else
The way you never let me
take one step by myself
It's like I was a doll
made of glass, sat on a shelf
For under the light of the moon
For under the light of the moon
they danced all night
The trees brought music
by the wind in their leaves
The flowers whispered
and rustled on the ground
For they were barefoot
and connected to the Earth
Thanking the Mother
for all their life and joy
And they felt powerful
and as they felt they became
Their laughter echoing through the night
the witches under the moonlight
they danced all night
The trees brought music
by the wind in their leaves
The flowers whispered
and rustled on the ground
For they were barefoot
and connected to the Earth
Thanking the Mother
for all their life and joy
And they felt powerful
and as they felt they became
Their laughter echoing through the night
the witches under the moonlight
Every time she walks
Every time she walks
she steps with confidence
There's murder in her eyes
She's the Devil's Princess
On a path of darkness
She thrives
She walks among allies
Friends and enemies are the same
She walks among memories
Her life was never laid out
by anyone but herself
She chose
A tiny smirk
She'll crush your heart
She's happy
Her sisters are the stars
in the dark blue sky
Her brother is the moon
Her father is the Devil
who cares for his princess so
Corpses trail her path
Her bare feet dressed in blood
Never wore white
Innocence wasn't lost
just never found
Every step she takes
is filled with confidence
There's gleeful murder in her eyes
She's made it all an artform
Her shoulders are relaxed
Devil's Princess
She is happy
she steps with confidence
There's murder in her eyes
She's the Devil's Princess
On a path of darkness
She thrives
She walks among allies
Friends and enemies are the same
She walks among memories
Her life was never laid out
by anyone but herself
She chose
A tiny smirk
She'll crush your heart
She's happy
Her sisters are the stars
in the dark blue sky
Her brother is the moon
Her father is the Devil
who cares for his princess so
Corpses trail her path
Her bare feet dressed in blood
Never wore white
Innocence wasn't lost
just never found
Every step she takes
is filled with confidence
There's gleeful murder in her eyes
She's made it all an artform
Her shoulders are relaxed
Devil's Princess
She is happy
Your Turn - Fair Enough
I once picked a flower from
an apple tree
Put it on the ground to watch it
from above
It rained away that
summer for me
But will always remind me
of my secret love
an apple tree
Put it on the ground to watch it
from above
It rained away that
summer for me
But will always remind me
of my secret love
Pre-exam poem
Breathe, child, or you'll explode
Who can know what the future will hold?
You who run
and laugh
and cry
Keep on believing that you can touch the sky
One day you will see with eyes like mine
old and tired, when stars no longer shine
You have an adventure in your hand
fly real high, before you land
Who can know what the future will hold?
You who run
and laugh
and cry
Keep on believing that you can touch the sky
One day you will see with eyes like mine
old and tired, when stars no longer shine
You have an adventure in your hand
fly real high, before you land
Danger seems to follow me in my dreams
From scared to calm to happy in three relationships I never had
The younger boy with glasses,
being teased and mocked by his friends,
I took his hand in mine
and put my head to rest on his shoulder
and told him he's got my heart
And that I would take care of his
The red headed girl I used to love
she felt left out and mourned our relationship
I remembered our sweet kisses
and how brilliantly we shined together
She was my best friend
and to me, she still is
Talking to the older man with blonde hair
his scraggly beard so familiar against my cheek
He told me he would always love me
but he knew I had moved on
To something more healthy and pure
he wished me happiness
he saw it was right
and sighed beside my red headed girl
as I took the young boy's hand in mine
The younger boy with glasses,
being teased and mocked by his friends,
I took his hand in mine
and put my head to rest on his shoulder
and told him he's got my heart
And that I would take care of his
The red headed girl I used to love
she felt left out and mourned our relationship
I remembered our sweet kisses
and how brilliantly we shined together
She was my best friend
and to me, she still is
Talking to the older man with blonde hair
his scraggly beard so familiar against my cheek
He told me he would always love me
but he knew I had moved on
To something more healthy and pure
he wished me happiness
he saw it was right
and sighed beside my red headed girl
as I took the young boy's hand in mine
dancing with myself
And I'll be dancing with myself
and singing oh so loudly
I'll jump and I'll turn around
flirt with my reflection in the mirror
And she'll smile at me and she will know
How calm it makes me
to dance only with myself
and singing oh so loudly
I'll jump and I'll turn around
flirt with my reflection in the mirror
And she'll smile at me and she will know
How calm it makes me
to dance only with myself
the Doctor's Explanation
a Doctor Who poem!
it is not the Sun
it is the Stars
they're moving
'cause we are running
with them at a rapid pace
the Universe is ours
to explore
to define
to love
it is not the Sun
it is the Stars
they're moving
'cause we are running
with them at a rapid pace
the Universe is ours
to explore
to define
to love
those small things
There are things
Small things, unnoticeable by most
Do they decide our fate?
and the charming prince will claim that
"No. I believe we make our own destiny".
to show that even in such old time
surely some had the sense of self-value
These things
though so very small
may not seem interesting
At first sight
but then as you go on
You start to wonder
just how Much
they have implemented on your life
Around every corner
will always be lurking
waiting just for you
Destiny might not be a part of it
But those small things
sure are
Small things, unnoticeable by most
Do they decide our fate?
and the charming prince will claim that
"No. I believe we make our own destiny".
to show that even in such old time
surely some had the sense of self-value
These things
though so very small
may not seem interesting
At first sight
but then as you go on
You start to wonder
just how Much
they have implemented on your life
Around every corner
will always be lurking
waiting just for you
Destiny might not be a part of it
But those small things
sure are
Blessed be us,
to get showered by such blessed rain.
Blessed be we,
to get sprinkled by such tiny crystals.
Blessed be you
and blessed be me.
to get showered by such blessed rain.
Blessed be we,
to get sprinkled by such tiny crystals.
Blessed be you
and blessed be me.
some poems
If it means I get to keep youI will give you this kiss
but know this, my sweet:
it will be furious in heat,
yet so cold you will shiver.
It will capture your heart
and you can never get it back.
Is this what you really want?
A Shadow passes outside my windowSo silent, so slow
I do not know this shadow,
neither want I to know
He is waiting in the Dark
for something, I don't know what
I can not see his grinning face
but his mean soul
pierces mine
my love for you
Blossoms from the apple tree
starts to fall
and it looks a bit like snow
but these are identical
and warm
The sun shines in my face
I close my eyes
and my lips form a smile
I feel a breeze
and look at you
Your hair is golden in the sun
and your cheeks rosy
You smile
a smile I love
a smile for me
Blossoms from the apple tree
fall and fly in the air
get stuck in your red hair
We catch them for each other
the greatest gift of all
starts to fall
and it looks a bit like snow
but these are identical
and warm
The sun shines in my face
I close my eyes
and my lips form a smile
I feel a breeze
and look at you
Your hair is golden in the sun
and your cheeks rosy
You smile
a smile I love
a smile for me
Blossoms from the apple tree
fall and fly in the air
get stuck in your red hair
We catch them for each other
the greatest gift of all
The Secret
The field was green, full of tall, green grass.
A lonely tree stood strong and proud amongst them.
They sky was a dark, mysterious blue.
The air was filled with it.
In the middle of the field: a girl.
Her dress was ripped at by the wind.
Long brown hair flying in every direction.
She looked over the shoulder
and smiled.
The girl had a secret.
Electricity filled the air.
Her smile got wider as she looked at the sky.
A strong sound started,
a great humming,
suddenly around her.
She spread her arms and they were wings
A lightning bolt finding her heart
Filling it with energy, with light
The girl soared high, higher, and higher still!
Over the tree.
Into the sky.
She became stronger
and faster.
The air around her changed.
Electricity now in her, stardust around her.
Away into the unknown Universe.
Flapping her strong wings
Finally finding home
Stardust covering every inch of her
A layer so thick she shouldn't be able to breathe
A very bright light
Coming from her heart
The heart of a Star
A lonely tree stood strong and proud amongst them.
They sky was a dark, mysterious blue.
The air was filled with it.
In the middle of the field: a girl.
Her dress was ripped at by the wind.
Long brown hair flying in every direction.
She looked over the shoulder
and smiled.
The girl had a secret.
Electricity filled the air.
Her smile got wider as she looked at the sky.
A strong sound started,
a great humming,
suddenly around her.
She spread her arms and they were wings
A lightning bolt finding her heart
Filling it with energy, with light
The girl soared high, higher, and higher still!
Over the tree.
Into the sky.
She became stronger
and faster.
The air around her changed.
Electricity now in her, stardust around her.
Away into the unknown Universe.
Flapping her strong wings
Finally finding home
Stardust covering every inch of her
A layer so thick she shouldn't be able to breathe
A very bright light
Coming from her heart
The heart of a Star
three shorter poems
Your laugh is a waterfall
Clear and truthful
and so, so beautiful
The forrest around you
sparks with life
when they hear it
The clouds are very jealous
of everything around you
since they can't be near you
Press the button
Send a spark
start a war
Claim a right
Bring down the world
Play your game
Cry your tears
Press the button
Forget to live
is a feeling so bright
and hard and strong
It hurts
it takes lives
and give life
is built up of
and of love
Poisonous Mushroom
I was walking
in a forrest
at midnight
when the sun
was low
I was looking at the flowers
but collecting magical grass
and many a poisonous mushroom
I could not refuse
poison, poison, poison
It was my duty
They told me what it was for
'The Greater Good' they'd say
'It'll be better for us all'
That sounds so good
like they really care
But I know
They've made me a murderer
I am oppressed
but I do not resist
It was not better before
It was still a bad world
It was just a world without
Poisonous mushroom
in a forrest
at midnight
when the sun
was low
I was looking at the flowers
but collecting magical grass
and many a poisonous mushroom
I could not refuse
poison, poison, poison
It was my duty
They told me what it was for
'The Greater Good' they'd say
'It'll be better for us all'
That sounds so good
like they really care
But I know
They've made me a murderer
I am oppressed
but I do not resist
It was not better before
It was still a bad world
It was just a world without
Poisonous mushroom
Spoil of War
Born early in the year
his dark eyes opened and blinked
amazed with the world
that was Athens 431 BC
His brown curls grew as he did
the child learned as the student
where life was his school
Some lessons he enjoyed
others made him cry
As a young boy he played
he fought with his friends
just as his father fought with the Spartans
until one day when he suddenly left
He liked to run
even though he had to stay
within the city walls
he felt
as though he could run
to the edge of the world
and the end of time
As a young soldier he was strong
he was excited
his first battle came
the excitement disappeared
He was a good Athenian
they all said
he fought well
he wanted to run again
before he could run
he would save Athens
The last battle came
he was tired
yet very proud
this would be the day
the day of their vict--
It was the day
the last
27 years of a life
from the beginning of the war
until the very end
his dark eyes opened and blinked
amazed with the world
that was Athens 431 BC
His brown curls grew as he did
the child learned as the student
where life was his school
Some lessons he enjoyed
others made him cry
As a young boy he played
he fought with his friends
just as his father fought with the Spartans
until one day when he suddenly left
He liked to run
even though he had to stay
within the city walls
he felt
as though he could run
to the edge of the world
and the end of time
As a young soldier he was strong
he was excited
his first battle came
the excitement disappeared
He was a good Athenian
they all said
he fought well
he wanted to run again
before he could run
he would save Athens
The last battle came
he was tired
yet very proud
this would be the day
the day of their vict--
It was the day
the last
27 years of a life
from the beginning of the war
until the very end
life as a mermaid
living in the sea
playing with dolphines
Occationally saving drowners
or drowning them some more
Collecting pearls
for magic
and luring creatures to eat
Loving the ocean
Loving the storm
Hiding in the deep
[April 2012]
living in the sea
playing with dolphines
Occationally saving drowners
or drowning them some more
Collecting pearls
for magic
and luring creatures to eat
Loving the ocean
Loving the storm
Hiding in the deep
[April 2012]
the man with the smile
He smiled. He always wore a bright smile, to everybody it seemed to brighten the whole room. He did not smile directly at anything. He only smiled. For no apparent reason.
But a reason was there nevertheless.
He didn't talk. He answered questions. Sometimes he even asked a few himself, though that was not often. Usually he just stood there, smiling, in silence. They accepted it. It was who he was, and they accepted him. Not everyone could be as talkative as Sacha, whom it was very odd to see silent at all. They liked him even if they didn't really know him. Mostly they appreciated his smile.
Sometimes they talked about him, when he was not there, and the room seemed a little darker. They commented on his wonderful smile, saying how extraordinary it was that someone could always be so happy. 'I wonder what he smiles about', they said. None of them ever knew.
He was quiet, still smiling. For once, he wasn't looking. Usually he looked up, or out, or upon them. This time, he silently smiled down. As if he was secretly reminded of a good joke, and wanted to hide his joy.
When he after that day was gone, they asked about him now and then. Where did he go? What was he doing? Why did he, that last time, hide his smile?
They never got the answers to those questions. Perhaps, they said, he wanted to smile alone, just once. After a lifetime of sharing his smile with the world, maybe he, at least one time, wanted it all for himself.
But a reason was there nevertheless.
He didn't talk. He answered questions. Sometimes he even asked a few himself, though that was not often. Usually he just stood there, smiling, in silence. They accepted it. It was who he was, and they accepted him. Not everyone could be as talkative as Sacha, whom it was very odd to see silent at all. They liked him even if they didn't really know him. Mostly they appreciated his smile.
Sometimes they talked about him, when he was not there, and the room seemed a little darker. They commented on his wonderful smile, saying how extraordinary it was that someone could always be so happy. 'I wonder what he smiles about', they said. None of them ever knew.
He was quiet, still smiling. For once, he wasn't looking. Usually he looked up, or out, or upon them. This time, he silently smiled down. As if he was secretly reminded of a good joke, and wanted to hide his joy.
When he after that day was gone, they asked about him now and then. Where did he go? What was he doing? Why did he, that last time, hide his smile?
They never got the answers to those questions. Perhaps, they said, he wanted to smile alone, just once. After a lifetime of sharing his smile with the world, maybe he, at least one time, wanted it all for himself.
don't make me walk in the light
the path I walk is no longer Dark
tiny stars fill it with light
would the sun shine I'd be blind
I like the stars
they are somewhat company
but I miss
the Darkness
It is the Darkness that I know
the Darkness is familiar
and I know
it is safe
In the Darkness I could walk
unknown to everyone else
I saw them
my sight was good
they could not see me
I don't even think they wanted to
Now in the light
a new world to me
I see, but now I also talk
and they look back
I like the stars
but I miss the Darkness
at least the stars are far away
tiny stars fill it with light
would the sun shine I'd be blind
I like the stars
they are somewhat company
but I miss
the Darkness
It is the Darkness that I know
the Darkness is familiar
and I know
it is safe
In the Darkness I could walk
unknown to everyone else
I saw them
my sight was good
they could not see me
I don't even think they wanted to
Now in the light
a new world to me
I see, but now I also talk
and they look back
I like the stars
but I miss the Darkness
at least the stars are far away
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