Friday 23 January 2015

the losing of a child

the only thing that held them together, the only bond left, got so weak it snapped, their future blaring with its non-telling black.

as the darkness got closer, she reached for his hand, only to realise she was alone. the only one to fall over the black edge, his silent tears heard from above, her last look showed a glimpse of his smile.

she fell for an eternity, and then another. she forgot her name, her life, her soul, became only a piece of dust, falling, falling, until finally she stopped spinning, and landed on her feet.

he did not fall. he kept going, but walking alone, he dared not take her hand, saw the wild hurricane brewing inside, knowing it was a storm for her alone.

so he stayed on the edge, never crossing it, but close enough to look down. he heard no scream nor other sounds, except those of his own everlasting tears.

when she started to walk again, she was herself anew. her vision clear, her smile bright, her head held high. she walked with ease though remembered clearly, her eternities filled with darkness.

his shoulders slumped always now, his eyes no longer lit alight. he saw her first and straightened fast, his heart the unfamiliar song of hope sang. her smile was friendly and polite, eyebrows rose in question.

his heart stopped singing, as he realised, she recognised him not at all. he sighed and waved then turned away, continuing his walk alone.


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